How Zombies Use Compliance & Governance to Build Stupid Systems
The moment Robert Francis began his summary
of the report into the Mid-Staffordshire Hospital Trust killings (I can think
of no other word) I recognized the hallmarks of a leading Zombie manager. His
first phrase included the words: “They [the victims] were failed by a system… “
And I realized that we were in for what Einstein used to call insanity, or the
vain hope that by “doing the same thing again, something different [and
presumably better] might happen". A few seconds later he delivered the second
clue: a list of “290 recommendations designed to change this culture and ensure
that patients come first”. Now, if he had said the top 3 things that have to change, we might have a chance, but Zombie Behavioural logic prevailed.

It is interesting to note that it appears
that another 5 hospital trusts have a similar mortality pattern, which may
bring the figures up to at least 6,000 unnecessary deaths that we know about
between 2004 and 2008. This is not to suggest that there aren’t brilliant and
inspirational individuals and teams within the National Health Service who hold
a powerful sense of vocation and purpose applying leading-edge knowledge and
techniques. I have met some amazing
nurses and clinicians, and we are all aware of the work being done by Royal
Army Medical Corps Reservists out in Afghanistan, of all ranks. I bow my head
in awe at the gift to the nation of their service. But if the NHS is a system, then something is
fundamentally wrong with the way parts of it have chosen or been forced to
behave, and the way that vocation has been sacrificed at the altar of careerism
and class warfare.
When Zombie managers use “system” and “culture”
and list hundreds of lessons to be implemented they are using an unconscious,
almost neuro-linguistic cues for a stream of words that follow as a mask for
reality, a masked way of saying that no-one accepts responsibility for their
own behavior within a “system”. Indeed it could be argued that “systems
thinking” is an oxymoron in that it is often used as justifying idiotic
behavior which ignores the reciprocal behavior of systems and those operating
socially within them and how system myths corrode personal morality and
Systems failure = no-one is individually
responsible (after all, we were only obeying orders).
It’s at this point that you begin to
realize that perhaps the fascist atrocities of WW2 or the Communist industrial
approach to mass-killing of class enemies over the past century was also
systemic, and similarly just as idiotic in the sense that only idiots could be
compliant and unaware of the meaning of their own behavior.
Milgram Experiment
This famous “atrocity” experiment appeared
to demonstrate that ordinary individuals are quite willing to commit atrocities
on strangers as long as there is a presiding authority-figure to hand, and that
the environment appears to be designed for some special treatment. In this
case, the experimental subject thought they were involved in a learning
experiment and continued to “punish” the fake student behind the glass screen
with electric shocks even when the fake student begged for mercy.
In effect, Milgram constructed a
behavioural system that used social and architectural cues for compliance.
Implications of Behavioural Compliance within
Compliance Regimes: The Architecture of Atrocity
What is fascinating is that the logic of
Zombie management is always to solve a problem by institutionalizing it and
making it worse. Zombie managers design what they see as “systems” and fail to
understand that their governance and compliance structures have an inadvertent,
emergent quality and carry a dangerous cyclical message that reinforces
alienation until it becomes toxic.
Alienation “System” Cycle
It starts with, I am imposing
goals or Key Performance Indicators onto this work “system” because you have
learnt how to ration or “game” your outputs and I have given up on trying to
negotiate with you. If you don’t deliver, you don’t get a bonus (hence the need
for bonuses as a means of gaining compliant bullies).
Original Behavioural Message
Sent: We know that if we don’t measure you: we don’t get what we want. If you
could find a way to cock it up, you would. You are not an autonomous, moral
Message Received: We are not
trusted, we don’t need to take responsibility for outcomes because you are measuring
them for us, so they are not ours.
Result: we ration our energy,
we go through the motions. So our managers have to manage us more closely, which
removes our sense of autonomy and turns us into either passive victims or
active saboteurs. And since we cannot punish those monitoring us (who are
idiot-ising us) we punish the patients because they screw up our day.
And then
something interesting happens in this Atrocity System:
We do bad stuff. But because
managers don’t want the hassle of dealing with it personally, we notice that nothing
happens when we do bad stuff.
Second Behavioural Message
Sent: It’s not just OK for us to “game” the system, it’s OK for everyone to
“game” the system. No-one actually cares about our formal Purpose, it’s OK to
impose our personal, alienated purpose on complete strangers and punish them.
“Systems” failure may be a
symptom of a shared cynicism about the Purpose of the organization,where the new
purpose of compliance can only institutionalize failure and serve to build new careers on the
Compliance/ Governance
“systems” carry a dangerous narcotic when over-used. Like any drug, they become
a poison when the safe dosage is exceeded.
More compliance may kill even more people, because they carry a hidden
behavioural parasite that encourages Zombie emotional behavior in the form of
alienated workers who, the more they are managed, the more dangerous they
The more complex the compliance "system", the worse the alienated, punishing behaviour will become. The answer is instead of working from the OUTSIDE: IN, to reverse focus and direction and work from employees' INSIDE: OUT by building and reconfiguring individuals' personal rules: their behaviours, attitudes and beliefs; by giving them permission to be courageous. It is said that courage is the outcome of negotiating 3 elements: risk, fear and noble purpose. It is time to change direction, and move from trying to force individuals to do things right and license them to all to do the right thing for patients and customers.
· Train individuals in Behavioural Literacy: the meaning of their own and each others' behavioural messages, use BL to help individuals become responsible
for their own work and put it into a moral context. This is as revolutionary as lean thinking was to automotive
assembly. Help everyone to become “Can-Do”
participants instead of Zombies trapped within a reciprocal, reinforcing cycle of “Won’t-Do” and “Can’t-Do” behaviours.
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