Sticky Organisations, How They Make Smart People Stupid, and What To Do About It
This is an introduction to Relational Capital, and is the product of personal experience as an executive, working with specialist C-level leaders introducing systemic change and the facilitation of improvement and innovation specialists to capture best-practice. The thrill of being headhunted to a senior role in a successful and knowledge-intensive corporate on the basis of expertise is only balanced by the downside of finding yourself trapped in a cycle of ritualised meetings, unable to influence the strategic direction of the organisation that paid the headhunter so well to recruit you. In such a situation, several options become available: - Lie back and enjoy the ritual management cycle of activity (like pedalling a static exercise bike with minimal resistance). 2. - Get upset about the fact you have become a corporate adornment, that you can’t influence the strategy, become cynical and constructively dismiss yourself, or 3. - Get very busy working on th